1. The President's Cup Competition shall consist of an entry of 9 sheets on any subject matter covered by the aims of the Society (i.e. the postal history of the Armed Forces of all countries, at all times, whether in war or peacetime and shall include postmarks, cachets, postage rates, prisoner of war mail, stamps and stationery, censorship and the organisation of postal services. Related matters such as the effects of war on civil mails, wartime airmail routes and services, psychological warfare leaflets, and courier services are also included).
2. There is no requirement for an introductory page.
3. Voting on the winner shall be by the members present on the day. There is no requirement to judge displays and award marks in accordance with nationally recognised marking criteria.
4. Judging will be based on a points system, with the winner being the entry with the highest total number of points awarded. Points are to be awarded by members present and voting on the day as follows:
1st place = 5 points; 2nd place = 3 points; 3rd place = 1 point.
5. A member may submit more than one entry, subject to the decision of the Competition Secretary on the day. In submitting more than one entry the member must stipulate first and second choice. Each entry must be accompanied by a separate Entry Form (see paragraph 9 below).
6. The voting process is simple: members present record which entry in their opinion is worthy of First, Second and Third place respectively. For voting, the placement of entries is left to individual choice which may be based on the story told, items displayed as well as the general appearance of the entry.
7. The Rules do not prohibit members present from voting for their own entries. There is no requirement for a member voting to have to vote for a Second or Third place.
8. By tradition, and as far as possible, votes are counted by a non-displaying member and the results checked by another non-displaying member.
9. Each entry will be accompanied by a completed Entry Form (see overleaf).
10. The winner will provide the Newsletter Editor with copies of the entry at the Society's expense.
11. The Cup will be returned to the Society one month before the next competition to enable engraving to take place, if it has not already been engraved.
12. For members living outside of the United Kingdom it is acceptable to provide a copy of their exhibit subject to the following conditions:
(a) The exhibit must represent material from the individuals own collection.
(b) The exhibit must be high quality coloured images of near photographic quality or better.
(c) The exhibit must be accompanied by a letter of authenticity signed by the owner who will certify that the exhibit is a genuine copy.
(d) It must be understood that the Cup will not be sent overseas, but the winner will receive a certificate.